
Monday 7 November 2011

Welcome Winter

Red Deer woke up to snow on Friday morning, for some people this is exciting and for others it's quite depressing. Of course those who are into winter sports don't genereally complain about the snow and cold, where as those who like the heat and being outside in shorts and a tank top aren't overly happy when the snow hits the ground and the furnace kicks in.

I don't enjoy winter much myself, I like the summer heat. I hate being cold and driving in poor weather conditions. Although I dislike winter so much, I choose to make the best of it. I think this is where a lot of people go wrong, they choose to be depressed and negative about the snow. Even though I can't go outside and soak up the sun I find things to do that make the winter more enjoyable. One of my favorite things to do is turn on the fire place and curl up with a good book and a cup of tea. It's relaxing and cozy, the perfect way to spend an evening after a long day at work or school. I also do quite a bit of baking in the winter - the warmth and fantastic smell of cookies baking in the oven is delightful! When it gets closer to christmas I keep myself busy making a bunch of crafts, decorating the house, setting up the tree, purchasing and wrapping gifts for loved ones.

I don't find winter to be that bad as long as I keep myself busy, it makes the day go by faster and keeps me happy! If I'm bored the days drag on and I find myself feeling depressed, I'd much rather prevent those feelings from happening. Negativity only brings us down and makes life harder, life is an adventure that should be appreciated and cherished each day, it's up to us to make the best of our adventure. :)


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