
Tuesday 20 December 2011

Christmas Family Fun!

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas around the Schmidt household! :) Christmas is by far my family's favorite time of year. It's the one time where we are all together, happy & just enjoying eachothers company and time spent together.

This past couple of weeks, we have been busy!

The tree is decorated, gifts are wrapped & stockings are hung!

Mom & I set the tree up a couple of weeks ago now, most of the gifts have been wrapped for quite a while too! I've just been too busy *and sick* to blog about it!

We also ventured out to take some Christmas photos! :)

Next on the list is more Christmas baking! =D

Tuesday 13 December 2011


Last week I had some Christmas shopping to finish up in Red Deer and my best friend decided to join me. We made the decision to go get our picture taken with Santa, at Bower Mall..because we're cool and our Mothers thought we were nuts! :)

Our plan was to just stand beside Santa in the picture.. well apparently this Santa had another plan for us. We walked up and he grabbed us! Pulled us down onto his knee telling us "I have a knee for each of you!" Umm, okay. That was awkward, I don't enjoy sitting on an old mans lap. Now, as if being pulled down into a creepy Santa's lap wasn't bad enough, he had to make a comment about the picture. He tells us "If you don't smile big, I'll have to tickle you!" WHOA! That's just a tad bit too far there St. Nick! O.o

At least our picture turned out cute!

:) xox

Wednesday 30 November 2011

A Day With Nola

I spent today with the cutest two year old, my baby cousin Nola.  I went over to the Macleod household around 8 o'clock this morning and watched Nola until 6 tonight. Kevin & Jen were off to Calgary for a fetal assesment.. (see previous post )

The appointment went pretty well for them, They got good news of the baby is surrounded by plenty of amniotic fluid although the heart rate is still quite low (in the bottom two chambers that is), they also learned they are having a baby.. GIRL! :) Another sweet, precious, adorbale baby girl! I'm so excited for them!

Nola & I spent the day hanging out watching Treehouse, doing puzzles, and playing with all her other fascinating toys in her brand new playroom :)
Being silly crashing into pillows.
Crappy bathroom pics, cause we can :)

She loves this horse! It was actually mine when I was her age, It's been well used in our family!

Monday 28 November 2011

Thinking Positive

This past week has been very stressful, depressing and sleepless, however it's starting to look like light really is at the end of the tunnel.

Opa is recovering amazingly well from the mass heart-attack, pneumonia, bladder infection AND blood infection. All of his infections are gone and he's getting better each and every day now. He's still quite weak and is working at gaining his strength back. He's still struggling with walking, it's a huge effort for him to walk a few feet to the door of his hospital room and back to his bed. But, hopefully his strength will return with time and he will be able to come home soon. He's trying and that's what matters. He needs lots of rest and is getting the treatment he needs where he is. Opa has Alzheimer's and that is making it difficult for his doctors and nurses to treat him. He may say he is in pain one minute, and the next he says he isn't. Thankfully his nurses and doctors are so understanding and are really great working with him! Sadly, he doesn't remember when family has been up to the hospital to visit him and desperately calls his nurse and asks her where we are. It's heart-breaking to see him be as sick as he was, so weak and disoriented. I am SO thankful and amazed he's getting so much better and is recovering so wonderfully. I love him with all of my heart and cannot wait for him to be recovered enough to go home. ~~~I love you Opa, Stay strong. <3 ~~~

Although Opa is getting better and stronger, a new tiny un-born family member is facing some life-threatening medical issues. My cousin and her husband are just over 5 months pregnant with their second child. My cousin has a rare disease called Lupus, it effects all different parts of her body and can cause a lot of strange things to happen and is life-threatening if it isn't taken care of properly. Her last pregnancy was great! She felt pretty darn good and there was no issues with the lupus. However, this time it's a whole other story. Lupus can cause problems with pregnancy and the un-born child.

Last week Jen and her husband went to their ultrasound appointment hoping to find out the gender of their baby, but all too quickly the gender didn't matter anymore... the tech said the baby's heart rate was 58, so a doctor checked it and heard 121 and told them not to panic. Over the next couple of days it was discovered that their baby has a heart issue caused by the lupus. Basically it killed the natural pacemaker in the bottom 2 chambers of the heart. So the tech heard the bottom two chambers and the doctor heard the top two. If the baby's bottom 2 chambers drop below 55 Jen may lose the baby. The doctors said it was a 1 in 4 million chance the baby would develop this condition, but it's happened. The baby will be delivered at 32 weeks by c-section and under-go surgery to have a pacemaker put in.

It's a long road ahead, but I know together, as a family we will all be there for eachother and help eachother out! Maybe they can't do it alone, but we as a family CAN and WILL get through this!

Wednesday 23 November 2011

This Can't Be Happening.

A few days back my Opa (Grandpa) took a fall while getting into bed, his senior home phoned the paramedics and they helped him get back into bed. Nothing was broken, he wasn't bleeding, or in any pain. All was well.. until thenext morning. He woke up like usual, but something was much different. He physically was not able to get out of bed. He could not move his legs. So the EMTS were called back.. and my stubborn Oma (Grandma) refused that they take him to the hospital as my Aunt would be there within the hour to take them to a doctors appointment. The doctor diagnosed him with having a severe bladder infection. We all found this quite odd as his fever was high, he physically could not walk and was very shaky. But okay, illnesses effect seniors in strange ways.

Well, as of yesterday (Tuesday) Opa was much worse. He had a very congested chest, watching him move was like watching something in slow motion. It literally took him two minutes to move his arm from his waist to his face, and he was still shaky, feverish and so weak the man could hardly hold his head up. So last night the ambulance was called again. This time the paramedics were terrible! They didn't want to take him and wanted to give everyone attitude about the long wait at the hospital, etc. Family demanded he be taken to the hospital.

At this point tests are still being completed but he's been diagnosed with a blood stream infection and pneumonia. We're still waiting for heart tests and some other serious of tests to be completed before we'll be able to fully understand what is going on. He's still in emergency so no one other than his wife and children are allowed into the room to visit. He will likely stay in Emerg. until all of the tests are done. I hope he's able to be put into an actual room soon so I can go be with him.. even for a short while just to see how he is and be there for support.

It's been a very rough week and I hope it gets better soon. I need Opa to feel better and be able to come home from the hospital. It's so hard and stressful I don't even know what to do with myself. I'm angry at the first doctor for not testing far enough to find out what was really wrong. All in all... my heart hurts.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Certificate of Excellence

Last week I sent one of my school instructors an e-mail about how my courses are going, what I'm liking and doing well at as well as what I'm struggling with. I completed a course almost two months ago and passed the final exam with an exceptionally high mark, the instructor told me I would be recieving a gold certification in Workplace Safety for doing so well in the course and on the final exam. That was about five weeks ago....

Then yesterday this showed up!

Took them long enough to send it, but I'm glad it's finally here! :) Success!

Monday 7 November 2011

Welcome Winter

Red Deer woke up to snow on Friday morning, for some people this is exciting and for others it's quite depressing. Of course those who are into winter sports don't genereally complain about the snow and cold, where as those who like the heat and being outside in shorts and a tank top aren't overly happy when the snow hits the ground and the furnace kicks in.

I don't enjoy winter much myself, I like the summer heat. I hate being cold and driving in poor weather conditions. Although I dislike winter so much, I choose to make the best of it. I think this is where a lot of people go wrong, they choose to be depressed and negative about the snow. Even though I can't go outside and soak up the sun I find things to do that make the winter more enjoyable. One of my favorite things to do is turn on the fire place and curl up with a good book and a cup of tea. It's relaxing and cozy, the perfect way to spend an evening after a long day at work or school. I also do quite a bit of baking in the winter - the warmth and fantastic smell of cookies baking in the oven is delightful! When it gets closer to christmas I keep myself busy making a bunch of crafts, decorating the house, setting up the tree, purchasing and wrapping gifts for loved ones.

I don't find winter to be that bad as long as I keep myself busy, it makes the day go by faster and keeps me happy! If I'm bored the days drag on and I find myself feeling depressed, I'd much rather prevent those feelings from happening. Negativity only brings us down and makes life harder, life is an adventure that should be appreciated and cherished each day, it's up to us to make the best of our adventure. :)

Wednesday 2 November 2011

New Laptop!

Yesterday I decided it was finally time to purchase a new laptop. My now old one was in perfect working condition, runs like it's now however, the mouse button fell in. It still works, you just have to pick it back out once in a while so it can be pressed again. It was getting rather annoying! Other than the mouse the only other thing you could consider wrong with the old Toshiba is the hinges (I think that's the best way to describe it) were getting lazy and the screen would fall forward once in a while. If I had fixed those two issues it would be like new!

It was quite the experience Laptop Shopping in Red Deer. Everywhere I went was out of everything I liked, or their service was complete crap. First I went to best buy, they were out of the one I had wanted but the sales associate was awesome! He answered all of my questions and showed me computers they had that were almost identical to the one I had wanted originally. I couldn't decide what to do,so I stopped by Future Shop and Staples. Both the sales associates at both stores were awful! Neither of them answered any questions or provided any useful information, I left in a cranky mood.

My next stop on my journey was to good ol' Wal-Mart. I'd checked out their website earlier in the day and found a Toshiba Quad Core, 2.3ghz and 4gb of ram on sale for 398.00. (It has many other features, I just don't feel like typing them all!). The guy at Best Buy also recommended this particular computer to me. He said it was better then most of the ones he had available.  So I decided the Toshiba from Wal-Mart was the one I wanted. Of course... BOTH Wal-Mart's in Red Deer were sold out. (They probably only had one to start with). Thankfully, the Sylvan Lake store had one left and put it on hold for me. I went straight there and picked it up!

My adventure to get a new laptop took over 3 hours. I think the lesson learned here is: Don't try to buy anything in Red Deer because no one will have it!

I've been using my new laptop since yesterday evening,and I'm in love with it! It's a little smaller than my old laptop which I'm actually really loving! It's a lot lighter and easier to move about. It's super fast and I'm loving the Windows 7 operating system! :) I think I made the right decision and can't wait to see how it does once I start doing a ton of school stuff on it. :)

Tuesday 1 November 2011

The Horrifying Results!

Last night my brother and a few of his friends were getting together for Halloween. He asked if someone could back comb his hair and give him a bit of make-up. I had my best friend Monika over and we definitely got him good! His hair was back combed and had a crazy amount of hairspray in it, If you lit a match I'm sure it would have been engulfed in flames. He was a complete whimp when it was time to get his make-up done. He wouldn't sit still and kept scrunching up his face - men are such babies!

He was a complete stud after his make-over.

This Halloween was the best one in a long time! Monika came over for dinner and we made homemade pizza and wings. We didn't have a lot of Trick Or Treaters, only about 30 or so, but that's a record compared to other years when we only had 10. We went on an adventure to Tim Hortons and some Asian guy was taking pictures of us, we went for a random drive and were jamming out to some sweet tunes and yelling at people. I'm sure everyone thought we were drunk, but we were completely sober and just having some clean fun! :)  Monika also prank called a few of her other friends and asked them if they wanted to play a game. Most said no, and others hung up!

It was a night of fun, and I'd do it all over again next year! Even though we didn't dress-up we had a total blast and it'll likely become a tradition for us. :)

Monday 31 October 2011

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everyone! I hope you have/had a great Halloween! Of course,most everyone goes out to party leading up to Halloween and on Halloween night. I hope everyone was able to stay safe. :)

I'm not a huge Halloween fan myself, but I still participate a little bit. I made some sugar cookies a couple days ago, when I was taking the one tray out of the oven I thouched my arm on the oven door and burnt myself pretty badly. It's all blistered up and quite red and sore, I'm keeping Alo Vera capsels on it to prevent the burn from scarring and to help it heal.

The white bumps are the blisters. The skin is actually starting to peal. It's a terrible web cam pic, it looks worse in person.

Even though the burn isn't so cute the cookies look good and taste delicious! :)

I'm not doing much this Halloween night. My best friend Monika is coming over to hangout, we're having homemade pizza and wings for dinner and handing out candy to the little goblins who show up. :) Sounds like the perfect Halloween to me!


Friday 28 October 2011

Giving This Life Everything I've Got & Then Some.

I've made a final decision about what I want to do with my life. I'm going to complete the law program at UofA and be a lawyer specializing in Family Law and maybe Child Advocacy. I don't want to be the "typical lawyer" who only does the job for the money. I want to be the one that really does care and wants to help people. That one person who takes the time to hear the full story and try to help in every way. I know it will be a long, hard, stressful journey. I know it's going to be time consuming and emotional but this is what I want. I feel like I was born to do this and if I were to take a different path in life it wouldn't feel right and I wouldn't be happy. I love helping people, I want to be the one to make a positive change in many peoples lives, especially children. Kids are almost always the victims in family law and it's not right. I'm passionate about this decision and dedicating myself to it. I'm going to give it everything I've got and do my part.

Lately I've been asking myself what I want out of life and I think I've finally figured it out. I want to finish school and become a lawyer/advocate, I want to be with that one person who completes me and becomes my world, I want children with that person. And most of all, I just want to be happy. Life is too short to be spent on negativity, that negativity only stops us from becoming who we are supposed to be. The people who prevent me from living out my dreams will be removed from my life.

Live life the way you want to. Have fun, make mistakes, don't worry about the people in your past because they didn't make it to the present for a reason, and they won't matter in the future. <3

I'm ready to begin this adventure and see where it all takes me <3 :)

Tuesday 25 October 2011

The Gloves Are Off.

The entire argument I discussed in my last post (link: has been blown completely out of proportion and is spiralling out of control. I don't want to openly say this girls name, however my other friends and family who read my blog know her name.. so I'm just going to call her "A".

Since myself and A have a dance class together, I didn't want to run into her face to face as I knew it would only cause a heated argument/confrontation infront of everyone. Which certainly did not need to happen. So, I avoided her for the class.. I didn't say a word to her and didn't look at her. Since we haven't been speaking and it was a heated fight I figured this was best. Apparently I was wrong, according to A I'm now bullying her. She states I was glaring at her and laughing at her in the class, she developed this idea because I was talking with another friend, Caitlin. Myself & Caitlin were discussing "Silent Hill" during the class and laughed a couple of times. I guess I'm not allowed to have friends and can't have fun.

A is now threatening to have me kicked out of dance because I was "bullying" her. She also said in a text message to a mutual friend of ours that Caitlin was bullying her. None of this is true, the situation was clearly read the wrong way, or she is just trying to start even more drama.. the drama I was hoping and trying to avoid. This morning A's mother texted my mother saying that I was bringing other people into the argument and that I've made false accusations against A. I never made any accusations towards A. She was the one running me down calling me names via text. Now A's mother wants to sit down with Me, Monika, and both our Mothers. However, this is not required. It is not our Mother's fight, it is ours. We're old enough to either work things out, move on from what's happened or simply ignore eachother and not be friends. Yesterday A's mother was made aware of the things her daughter has said and she completely denied that A would every say those things.

The whole situation is completely out of control, thanks to A. I guess some people just need high-school drama in their life?? I'm not one of those people, and I never will be. I hate drama and try to avoid it as much as humanly possible. In fact, I've never had drama in my life up until these past few months when A decided she would like to fight.

I'm going to continue to not speak with A and ignore her when I see her at dance. I have nothing to say to her, and I don't feel I should be apologizing when I didn't do anything. I wish her the best and hope her life pans out the way she wants it to. I just feel it's best if we are not apart of eachother's lives. I have a feeling it's going to be a long road before this ends completely, I just hope A realizes she needs to leave things alone.

Saturday 22 October 2011

Words Don't Fix Everything.

Have you ever been hurt by someone emotionally, physically, verbally etc? Each type of hurt is powerful and affects everyone in different ways. Physically may leave scars and bruises, emotionally can lead to eating disorders, depression, suicide and many other dangerous affects. Verbal abuse often leads to emotional hurt.

Everyone has abused another person in some way, even if they may not realize it. Have you ever called someone "stupid", "fat", "ugly" etc ? We do it without noticing how it hurts/affects the victim (the person you are calling "stupid", "fat", "ugly"). We don't know the persons history in most cases, maybe that girl you called "fat" is starving herself to attempt weight loss, maybe that guy you just called "stupid" was abused by his parents. Individuals often say and do hurtful things without realizing they are even doing it or that the person they're abusing will actually suffer from their actions. Calling people names can become a habit, but next time you call someone fat - remember you don't know if they have health issues, if he/she used to be anorexic etc. It takes all kinds of people to make up this world and without each and every single person our world would be incredibly different. Everyone has a story, it's up to you if you take the time to hear the stories or not.

I can personally say I have been affected by verbal/emotional abuse quite recently, by the person I would least expect to ever hurt me in any way,The girl I called my best friend for 12 years. This story takes a long time to explain and it's quite lengthly, but I'll do my best to describe in short form. I'm the type of person who does anything and everything for a person I care about. I defend my friends, love them and help them out when they really need someone or get themselves into a bad situation. Without my care this girl would have ended up dead or in a prison like home. I wrote petitions, went to court, and defended her rights as a Canadian Citizen. I didn't sleep and didn't eat because I was worried for her safety for 6 months, knowing the conditions she was living in. Not once did I complain and I have never regretted helping her.

This past week she has been acting very selfish and like she is better than everyone else. That type of attitude goes against everything I believe in. She figures since her parents bought her a brand new car, she's better then everyone else. She won't work at certain places because she's "better" then the people who work there. There has just been so many things that she's addressed with the wrong attitude.

I had to be brutally honest, she was my best friend. I couldn't sit back and watch her act so immature and selfish. The issue needed to be addressed and I was the only one willing to do it. Why? Because I DO care about her and want to see her go far in life. I was upfront and honest with her, but I was nice about it. I told her that I didn't think her attitude was appropriate and even though she may not realize it, she was coming off as selfish to other people.

The thanks I got for everything I did to help her... she called me immature, selfish, insecure, a bitch, ignorant and rude. She also said that I don't treat my friends well and that I need to get a grip of myself. Then she proceeded to tell me that I won't keep my job long and won't go far in life because I have a bad attitude.I am in shock and completely speechless at this point. I never thought she would be the one to verbally run-me down and try to lower my self esteem by saying these types of hurtful lies. I'm an emotional mess, why do I deserve to be treated like this? What did I do wrong?  Of course I can't help but think 'Why did I help you out so much, just to be re-paid like this?'. Do I regret helping her? No, Not at all. I just can't understand, and never will be able to understand how she can act like this when I was the only person who didn't give up on her when things got tough. Last time this happened she decided to apologize to me a week or two later. This time, I won't be accepting it. Words don't fix everything.

This all happened within the last week, and unfortunately I ended up telling her not to contact me. She needs to go her way and I will go mine. I don't think our friendship will ever return, I've put up with this more then once from her - but was too nice and put it off as being stress. I don't need people with that type of attitude and immaturity in my life. I'm thankful I have other friends and family to stand by me and appreciate who I am.

If you have people in your life who don't treat you like you deserve to be treated, you should walk away. It's tough but it's necessary. Finding positive people to have in your life will make you a happier, healthier person. I'm sure we've all had to deal with this issue before, it's not easy and it's not fun. But life changes occur on a daily basis. We just have to decide what the right decisions are for us.