
Saturday 22 October 2011

Words Don't Fix Everything.

Have you ever been hurt by someone emotionally, physically, verbally etc? Each type of hurt is powerful and affects everyone in different ways. Physically may leave scars and bruises, emotionally can lead to eating disorders, depression, suicide and many other dangerous affects. Verbal abuse often leads to emotional hurt.

Everyone has abused another person in some way, even if they may not realize it. Have you ever called someone "stupid", "fat", "ugly" etc ? We do it without noticing how it hurts/affects the victim (the person you are calling "stupid", "fat", "ugly"). We don't know the persons history in most cases, maybe that girl you called "fat" is starving herself to attempt weight loss, maybe that guy you just called "stupid" was abused by his parents. Individuals often say and do hurtful things without realizing they are even doing it or that the person they're abusing will actually suffer from their actions. Calling people names can become a habit, but next time you call someone fat - remember you don't know if they have health issues, if he/she used to be anorexic etc. It takes all kinds of people to make up this world and without each and every single person our world would be incredibly different. Everyone has a story, it's up to you if you take the time to hear the stories or not.

I can personally say I have been affected by verbal/emotional abuse quite recently, by the person I would least expect to ever hurt me in any way,The girl I called my best friend for 12 years. This story takes a long time to explain and it's quite lengthly, but I'll do my best to describe in short form. I'm the type of person who does anything and everything for a person I care about. I defend my friends, love them and help them out when they really need someone or get themselves into a bad situation. Without my care this girl would have ended up dead or in a prison like home. I wrote petitions, went to court, and defended her rights as a Canadian Citizen. I didn't sleep and didn't eat because I was worried for her safety for 6 months, knowing the conditions she was living in. Not once did I complain and I have never regretted helping her.

This past week she has been acting very selfish and like she is better than everyone else. That type of attitude goes against everything I believe in. She figures since her parents bought her a brand new car, she's better then everyone else. She won't work at certain places because she's "better" then the people who work there. There has just been so many things that she's addressed with the wrong attitude.

I had to be brutally honest, she was my best friend. I couldn't sit back and watch her act so immature and selfish. The issue needed to be addressed and I was the only one willing to do it. Why? Because I DO care about her and want to see her go far in life. I was upfront and honest with her, but I was nice about it. I told her that I didn't think her attitude was appropriate and even though she may not realize it, she was coming off as selfish to other people.

The thanks I got for everything I did to help her... she called me immature, selfish, insecure, a bitch, ignorant and rude. She also said that I don't treat my friends well and that I need to get a grip of myself. Then she proceeded to tell me that I won't keep my job long and won't go far in life because I have a bad attitude.I am in shock and completely speechless at this point. I never thought she would be the one to verbally run-me down and try to lower my self esteem by saying these types of hurtful lies. I'm an emotional mess, why do I deserve to be treated like this? What did I do wrong?  Of course I can't help but think 'Why did I help you out so much, just to be re-paid like this?'. Do I regret helping her? No, Not at all. I just can't understand, and never will be able to understand how she can act like this when I was the only person who didn't give up on her when things got tough. Last time this happened she decided to apologize to me a week or two later. This time, I won't be accepting it. Words don't fix everything.

This all happened within the last week, and unfortunately I ended up telling her not to contact me. She needs to go her way and I will go mine. I don't think our friendship will ever return, I've put up with this more then once from her - but was too nice and put it off as being stress. I don't need people with that type of attitude and immaturity in my life. I'm thankful I have other friends and family to stand by me and appreciate who I am.

If you have people in your life who don't treat you like you deserve to be treated, you should walk away. It's tough but it's necessary. Finding positive people to have in your life will make you a happier, healthier person. I'm sure we've all had to deal with this issue before, it's not easy and it's not fun. But life changes occur on a daily basis. We just have to decide what the right decisions are for us.


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